
Social Horror, Thriller, Mystery

Project Status
Pre-Production / Scriptwriting

Expected Shooting Location

A group of former school mates gather for a reunion dinner for the first time since their classmate’s suicide, not realising that this might be their last time together.


It’s the Hungry Ghost Festival. Eight former high school friends get together for dinner and games. During one of the game sessions, the host, Allison, is accidentally killed in a heated argument. They dispose of her body in a nearby river. Moments later to everyone’s shock, Allison appears to be alive and well. She insists on continuing the games as if nothing happened. Throughout the night, Allison is killed multiple times but she always returns. Not knowing if she is a ghost or otherwise, the friends spend the rest of the night trying to figure out what is happening. As other secrets of the friends slowly start to unfold, the evening then turns into a game of trust, betrayal and survival.

 Jeremy Tan Ser Wei

Jeremy is a writer, director and producer, and the co-founder of Supermassive Creative Agency, a multi-disciplinary marketing agency and its production arm, Soul Factory Media. As the organiser of DrinkEntrepreneurs KK, a networking platform for young entrepreneurs and like-minded people, he understands that storytelling is one of the best ways people can make real connections with one another. Jeremy has written and directed multiple short films including the award-winning “Where Sisterhood Takes Us” which won Best Film and Best Cinematography at the KKFVA Awards 2019, and is among the Top 6 Directors in the Young Director’s Challenge, Kancils Awards 2018.

George Yong Zoo Guan

George is a director, filmmaker and professional photographer of 15 years experience. As the Managing Director of Cherita Media Group, George leads a young, curated team of media professionals in realising Cherita’s twin mission as a locally grown multi-formatted story-telling powerhouse, and a social enterprise to empower youths in the Sabah media and arts industry. A Sino-Kadazan from Kota Kinabalu, George is inspired by the art of story-telling and strives to breathe new life into the arts scene through the medium of pictures, film and graphics.

Cherita Media Group Sdn Bhd

A young media group and social enterprise based in Sabah, providing one-stop production services for story-telling in multiple formats, ranging from full-length documentaries and short films to public service advertisements, graphic and website design, and social media branding packages.